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High on Investment Banking with Jackson High

by Kevin 

Date August 12, 2020

Mentoring Meeting #1

I am hopeful that the following series of ongoing mentoring sessions will be valuable, not only to current students looking to launch within their chosen profession or young professionals  looking to make a leap forward in their career, but also to a mentor who is curious how they can be a reassuring resource to their mentee. 

In my belief, mentoring should capture all aspects of one’s journey: from spiritual to career and everything in between. However, these upcoming posts are contrary to this conviction—confused? So, let me explain...I thought it would be intriguing—and a little ambitious—to document one young person’s journey to accomplish a very specific career goal: to begin a career in investment banking. The intent of these posts is to allow the reader to experience how involved a mentor can be to help a mentee achieve a long term goal. 

This idea occurred to me after a recent meeting I had with a very ambitious college student: Jackson High. Upon our first meeting it was evident to me how driven, intelligent and personable Jackson is. Also, as I alluded to earlier, I was inspired to learn about Jackson’s very specific goal to begin a career in investment banking. Consequently, I will be documenting this journey as I ride alongside him—not knowing with any certainty where this ride ends!

First, a little more background on Jackson. Jackson grew up in Oklahoma City, OK and is currently a finance major at Oklahoma Christian University. Jackson graduated high school in 2018 and plans to graduate from college the fall of 2021, which means he will obtain his degree in three and a half years! In his primary and secondary education, Jackson was disciplined in the liberal arts, learning poetry, philosophy, and everything in between. Upon beginning college he majored in Electrical Engineering with the premonition that it would land him a stable, respectable job upon graduation. But, he soon realized that this would not lead to a life which fit his potential, nor one of fulfillment.

When Jackson first chose his major, he felt like wealth management would be the appropriate career to satisfy his career ambitions. However, during a restless evening searching for videos to watch on Amazon Prime, Jackson stumbled upon a documentary about Goldman Sachs. Six hours later he was sold not only on investment banking, but a dream to launch his career!

His excitement led him to LinkedIn to perform some research on Goldman Sachs’ employees. He desired to know more about “real” investment bankers: what do they do, and how did they get there?. Or more specifically, to answer the question: “what does Jackson need to do to get there?” He observed that, generally, their careers began as financial analysts—at least for the first couple of years. He also looked at the specific schools and advanced degrees they obtained prior to employment.  Jackson then read many online articles and a few books about investment banking to get a broader understanding of the industry. It was apparent to Jackson that his passion and strengths aligned nicely with what he was hearing and reading about investment bankers. 

Although Jackson’s first indoctrination in the investment banking world was inspired by Goldman Sachs, he understands that other investment banking firms could provide the career rewards he seeks. Jackson acknowledged that any national, regional, or boutique firms would be satisfying to his career cravings. 

I am excited to join Jackson on this journey and to document the strategy, action steps, and results along the way! Ideally, this will demonstrate to mentees how a mentor can assist with your career, and vice versa, how a mentor can be actively involved with the outcome of a mentee. Please remember, at this juncture, we do not know if Jackson will achieve his ultimate goal of investment banking, but we do know we will put in the proper amount of planning to put Jackson in the best position possible. Let the journey begin!