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Jim’s Big Idea in The Office

By Adam

As mentioned in the last post, we’re beginning with the end on Jim’s mentorship journey.  Specifically, we’re focusing on Episode 1, Season 9 (New Guys)

In this episode, we find out two things: 

  1. Jim does have a destination in mind for his career; it’s a destination he’s been contemplating for a while
  2. Jim has, thus far, not taken any real steps toward that destination (including articulating the seriousness of his ambitions to his wife)

I’ll let Pam and Jim’s dialogue set the scene for us:

Pam: “You had that interesting thing”

Jim: “Oh”

Pam: “Yes, Jim’s friend is starting a new company based on this idea that Jim had when they were back in college”

Jim: “It’s sports marketing, basically, but the athletes are partners”

Pam: “And he wanted Jim to be a partner too”

Jim: “In Philly, so it doesn’t really work for the family, but watch this guy make a billion dollars off my idea”

Pam: “He said if it takes off, her’s going to buy us a new car”

Jim: “An Altima or better”

Pam: “I don’t think anything’s going to change in our lives now.  Just, with work and two kids, nothing interestings gonna happen to us for a long, long time”

If you watch the scene, you can tell Jim is uncomfortable with that last statement from Pam.  That’s further reinforced later on, when Jim overhears a conversation between Angela (long time office-mate) and Pete (brand new intern).

Pete: “I want to start my own business, I want to be a millionaire, lots of things, travel, make the world a better place, earn an MBA at night”

Angela: “Have you taken any concrete steps?”

Pete: “Well I’m still just fitting in here, you know, getting used to the new job.  But, definitely on the agenda.”

We then cut to a scene of Jim reflecting on that conversation, which he overheard.  During that scene, we see a lightbulb go off for Jim:

Jim: “Oh, come on Pete!  Gah, that’s just sad.  If he doesn’t watch himself, he’s going to be here for years, doing nothing….wow, maybe Pete is the new Jim”

At the end of the episode, we get to hear one side of a telephone conversation that will set the tone for Jim’s story in the season, and the ultimate culmination of his career path in The Office.

Jim: “Hey man this is Halpert.  Did you go to the other guy yet?  Great, don’t.  I’m in.  Yeah, yup,  I’m all-in.”

And, with that, Jim dives in, head first, to pursue his true ambitions.

Now… that leaves us in an interesting spot from a mentorship perspective.  Does this episode showcase Jim’s budding ambitions to live a life (and pursue a career) consistent with his true (albeit only implicit) Mission Statement?  

Or, is this a cringeworthy example of the chaotic nature of a career path formed not by the definition and pursuit of goals, but by the emotions of the moment?  Is it a cautionary tale of the vulnerabilities created by a severe lack of self-reflection and self-awareness, as evidenced by Jim’s epiphany being foisted upon him by the dialogue of others?  Or, maybe worst of all, is Jim’s decision to take the leap without consultation with his wife (much less a good Board of advisors) evidence of a lapse in character?

Here’s my opinion: luckily for us (and our mentorship journey), it seems to be...all of the above!

On one hand, Jim’s bold move gives credibility to the authenticity of his journey.  On the other hand, the multiple foibles exhibited in his uneven, fitful pursuit of this goal provides many a cautionary tale.  

Oh, if only Jim had met Kevin (again, real-life Kevin, not Office Kevin).  Because, indirectly or directly (but, mostly directly), even a casual adherence to Kevin’s mentorship program could have helped Jim avoid much of the suffering that is to come over the rest of this final season of The Office.  

So, with that being said, here's the definitive mentorship take on this episode:

Jim should be commended for finally taking ownership of his career, and taking a step toward an outcome consistent with his mission statement.  But his lack of organization to that end is going to exact a heavy toll on him (and his marriage) in the episodes (and posts!) to come.  There’s a reason Kevin’s program starts with Self-Awareness!  We’re about to see the haphazard development of that aptitude in Jim play out in front of our eyes.